+44 7760 486038 lisawellbeingtherapies@gmail.com

Food Intolerance Testing

What Exactly is Food Intolerance?

The complex way food affects our everyday lives is an emerging area and diagnosing the cause of symptoms which seem to be ‘unexplained’ is often difficult. People who experience some of the symptoms of food intolerance are often led by the medical profession and the media to believe that their condition is ‘all in the mind’ and are treated for the physical manifestation of the condition rather than the cause. However there are now answers to your questions and ways to identify the cause of your symptoms leading to long term relief.

Although not life threatening like food allergy, food intolerance should never be underestimated as its impact on sufferers can be significant, severely impacting on their ability to live normal healthy lives. Food intolerance is extremely widespread and it is estimated that 45% of the population could be affected. Many people with food intolerance experience more than one symptom. Symptoms can often be vague and the root cause of the problem, food, is not always correctly diagnosed. Sufferers often complain of seeming to be in a ‘fog’, feeling bloated and being tired all the time.

The test itself is an easy to use food IgG antibody test with immediate results. The results are ready with an hour – within the same session!